CrewCommCenter by SMSGlobal
Crews – Control
Keep your crew connected and the costs under control with SMSGlobal CrewCommCenter. Communication, media, and information keep crew in touch with the people they love - all with the usage & cost controls that ship owners and service providers love.
Communications – Media – Information
Crew Communications
Keep your crew in touch with the people and information that matter most to them, with the data controls that matter most to you.

Instant Messaging on the crew devices. Low-data text chat with Facebook Messenger, & Google. Applications access control for WeChat, WhatsApp, Viber, LINE, Kakao and more IM networks.
2 way global SMS messaging from the vessel, with International reply numbers & local gateways in the Philippines. Individual numbers per crew account.

Private E-mail address for each crew member. Low-data consuming accounts that follows the crews from vessel to vessel and with webmail access while on shore
Media server allowing network attached storage to distribute E-Learning or other training videos, files and multimedia content
Over 20,000 seafarers are part of the marine industry’s fastest-growing social media platform. Blog, share pictures and keep in contact with your loved ones.
A fun way to stay in touch on board and on shore – fun, low-data games keep friends and family enjoying the good times. Access control for online games on the crew devices.
Crew Information
Notifications from the Captain or the Head Office directly to the crew devices – coordinate business, news-letters, and keep up the morale.
News & Sports
Get international and local news headlines and sports updates daily. Select between 16 editions in multiple languages fitting the demographics of the crews and officers.
Web Browsing
Controlled Internet web browsing with options for compression, Domains & DNS filtering, AD removal, and adult content filtering.
Firewall & proxy
Web-based fully configurable firewall with pre-set options for easy configuration. Block of OS updates, applications updates and unwanted data traffic from the crew devices.
Access control
Crew captive portal with configurable data and time limits. Free to use services for the crews or pre-paid through reload strings. IM networks applications filtering with the choice to allow or deny video/audio calls.
Shore Portal
Remote settings fleet vide by the touch of a button. Activate vessel features, configure the limitations, setup the billing options and read online usage statistics.
Features details
CrewCommCenter E-mail
CrewCommCenter E-mail provides the crew with low-data compressed E-mail access on their own devices.
- Personal E-mail accounts that follow the crew from vessel to vessel
- Configurable limits of outgoing messages per crewmember per day, configurable amount of characters limit per incoming message and daily KB limits
- Options to allow attachments shore to ship and ship to shore with size limits
- The service supports all Unicode languages such as Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Russian characters
- IMEC and ITF compliant
- Web-mail access while on any Internet connection via SeaMeNow
- Free to use or pre-paid
CrewCommCenter SMS
- Personal SMS text accounts that follow the crew from vessel to vessel
- Global 2-way coverage
- International reply numbers
- Local reply numbers in the Philippines costing only 20% for family to send to compared to International numbers
- Configurable limits of outgoing messages per crewmember per day, configurable amount of characters limit per incoming message and daily KB limits
- Free to use or pre-paid
CrewCommCenter World-News & Sports
- Available to the crews daily in 16 selectable editions and multiple languages such as Chinese, Croatian & Russian
- Compressed text-based news files consuming less than 5kb per edition per day
- Available free of charge to the crews, with a monthly subscription to the shipowner
CrewCommCenter Announcements
- Captain & Ship owner’s private channel to send out company announcements and promotional activities directly to the crew devices
CrewCommCenter Vessel Media
- Media server allows network attached storage to distribute E-Learning or other training videos and multimedia files.
CrewCommCenter Low-Data Chat
- Text-based only chat client that blocks all graphics, themes, icons, file sharing and video/sound streaming
- Online Chat with Facebook messenger & G-Talk
- Chat for 5 hours spending less than 1MB
- The service function as an interface gateway between the CrewCommCenter web-based Chat Client on the crew devices and the leading International Chat Messenger systems.
- It creates a tunnel with the seafarers’ messenger contacts on shore to the vessels and allows the seafarer to chat with them as if he is logged in on the standard messenger clients. The seafarer can also add new contacts and delete contacts.
- From the shore servers to the vessels the content is reformatted to “IRC, text only” giving extensive data volume savings. One character is one byte, which gives more than 5 hours of continuous chat and contacts lists updates for less than 1 MB of data.
- Themes, icons, file sharing, downloads, music and video functions are all disabled for IT security and data/bandwidth control.
CrewCommCenter Instant Messaging Access Control
- Controlled Internet access on the crew’s own devices, enabling crew to use the Instant Messaging applications they have installed on their smartphones, pad’s or laptops within the allowances set forth by the shipowner
- Option for allowing or blocking of video/audio calls
CrewCommCenter Controlled Web Browsing
Optimized Web Browsing:
- Domains filtering – whitelist & blacklist
- AD removal and adult content filtering options
- DNS content filtering options
- Option for compression
- Data usage and time limit settings per crew member per day/month
CrewCommCenter Firewall
- Pre-set IM applications to allow/block
- Option to allow/block web browsing
- Fully configurable IP and port ranges allow/block
Se@MeNow is a marine social networking portal where the crew can stay in touch with their loved ones through live video, voice, messaging and social walls. The crew can blog, share photos, play online games, follow their favorite sports events and shop online with worldwide delivery.
Se@MeNow messenger
Se@MeNow messenger is an IOS and Android application which offers data text chat, video and audio calls using WebRTC protocols for low-data consumption using peer-to-peer technology.
In addition to its efficient use of bandwidth, Se@MeNow messenger also doesn't require as much processing power as conventional desktop video. The call quality for WebRTC is lower grade than high-definition video, with the latter providing 1080p or 720p resolution. WebRTC-based video offers 480p. With conventional desktop video conferencing, launching or joining a session on an older endpoint meant that users ran the risk of encountering choppy video quality because their machines couldn't keep up.
CrewCommCenter Shore Portal
The shore portal is the heart of the CrewCommCenter system were ship owners and service providers have full control and statistical overview of the vessels. They can activate and configure limits including messages size, attachments control, data and time usage limits, content filtering, and Internet access control thus keeping satellite transmissions cost control. The shore portal provides online usage reports enabling the shipowner full transparency of the crew satcom usage.
Pre-Paid billing modules and ‘Free to use’ subscriptions
All system features can be configured for the crew to use for free or charged trough pre-paid reload strings.